Remove Devices
You can remove devices from the graphic network map: from the current map calculation and/or from all future map calculations. If you only remove the device from current map, the device will appear in the map again once a new report is generated.
Note: A removed device will not appear in traffic simulation query results.
Get the Device ID
Get the DeviceID of the device you wish to remove by right-clicking the device in the network map and selecting Routing Information.
For example, the DeviceID is the Firewall name. For example,
# Firewall name: Begonia_SRX
Note: When the Routing Information option is not actionable, Find the Device ID in the database.
Remove Device
Do the following:
To remove devices from the current map, Enter the following command, where, DeviceID is the name of the device you wish to remove from the current graphic network map. :
fa_map -d DeviceID
Omit Device from all future map updates
Do the following:
Open /home/afa/.fa/config.
On a new line, add the configuration parameter MAP_BLACK_LIST, and set the parameter's value to a list of devices (semi-colon separated) that you wish to remove from the graphic network map.
For example, the following removes the devices rose_checkpoint and flower_asa from the graphic network map, for all future maps.MAP_BLACK_LIST=rose_checkpoint;flower_asa
Save the file.
Find the Device ID in the database
If the Device ID is not available using the method described in Get the Device ID find the device ID in the database.
You can find the Device ID by Device Name in the Sqlite database, using:
map.sqlite (home/afa/.fa/)
table: Device
field: DeviceName