Retrieving Network and Service Objects
The following methods retrieve information about network and service objects.
Retrieving a List of all Network Object Information
The get_all_hostgroups method retrieves a list of all network object information for every device defined in AFA.
Request Type: GetAllHostGroupsRequest
Element |
Type |
Description |
SessionIDMandatory |
String |
Session ID obtained from the connect method. |
Response Type: GetAllHostGroupsResponse
Element |
Type |
Description |
HostGroup |
List of HostGroup objects |
List of host group information. See HostGroup Type (see HostGroup type ). |
Request example:
Response example:
Retrieving a Device's Network Object Information
The get_hostgroups_by_device method retrieves a list of a device's network object information.
Request Type: GetHostGroupsRequest
Element |
Type |
Description |
SessionIDMandatory |
String |
Session ID obtained from the connect method. |
EntityIDMandatory |
String |
Entity ID of the device. |
Response Type: GetHostGroupsResponse
Element |
Type |
Description |
HostGroup |
List of HostGroup objects |
List of host groups. See HostGroupType (see HostGroup type ). |
Request example:
Response example:
Retrieving a Network Object's Information
The get_hostgroup_by_name_and_device method retrieves information about a a specific network object, given its name and the device it is defined on.
Request Type: GetHostGroupNameDeviceRequest
Element |
Type |
Description |
SessionIDMandatory |
String |
Session ID obtained from the connect method. |
EntityIDMandatory |
String |
Entity ID of the device. |
HostGroupNameMandatory |
String |
Original name of the host group. |
Response Type: GetHostGroupNameDeviceResponse
Element |
Type |
Description |
HostGroupMandatory |
A HostGroup object |
Host group information. See HostGroup Type (see HostGroup type ). |
Request example:
Response example:
Retrieving a List of all Service Object Information
The get_all_services method retrieves a list of all service object information for every device defined in AFA.
Request Type: GetAllServicesRequest
Element |
Type |
Description |
SessionIDMandatory |
String |
Session ID obtained from the connect method. |
Response Type: GetAllServicesResponse
Element |
Type |
Description |
Service |
List of ServiceInfo objects |
Service information. See ServiceInfo Type (see ServiceInfo type ). |
Request example:
Response example:
Retrieving a Device's Service Object Information
The get_services_by_device method retrieves a list of a device's service object information.
Request Type: GetServicesDeviceRequest
Element |
Type |
Description |
SessionIDMandatory |
String |
Session ID obtained from the connect method. |
DeviceIDMandatory |
String |
Tree name of the device. |
Response Type: GetServicesDeviceResponse
Element |
Type |
Description |
Service |
List of ServiceInfo objects |
List of service information. See ServiceInfo Type (see ServiceInfo type ). |
Request example:
Response example:
Retrieving a Service Object's Information
The get_service_by_name_and_device method retrieves information about a a specific service object, given its name and the device it is defined on.
Request Type: GetServiceNameDeviceRequest
Element |
Type |
Description |
SessionIDMandatory |
String |
Session ID obtained from the connect method. |
DeviceIDMandatory |
String |
Tree name of the device. |
NameMandatory |
String |
Name of the service. |
Response Type: GetServiceNameDeviceResponse
Element |
Type |
Description |
Service |
List of ServiceInfo objects |
List of service information. See ServiceInfo Type (see ServiceInfo type ). |
Request example:
Response example: