Configure AutoDiscovery

This topic describes how to define AutoDiscovery users, user roles, and configuration parameters.

Manage AutoDiscovery users

This procedure describes how to add or edit AutoDiscovery users.

Do the following:

  1. In AutoDiscovery, select the Configuration tab > Access Control > Users.
  2. Do one of the following:

Note: Each user must have at least one role assigned. For more details, see Manage AutoDiscovery user roles.

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Manage AutoDiscovery user roles

Each user role defines a group of permissions that can be assigned together to any user.

By default, AutoDiscovery is installed with the Administrators and Viewers roles. You can clone these roles and edit them, or create new roles from scratch.

Do the following:

  1. In AutoDiscovery, select the Configuration tab > Access Control > Roles.

  2. Do one of the following:

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Configure AutoDiscovery parameters

This procedure describes how to define AutoDiscovery behavior using the available configuration parameters.

Do the following:

  1. In AutoDiscovery, select the Configuration tab > Parameters.

  2. Find the parameter you want to change, and modify the value in the Value column.

    For more details, see AutoDiscovery parameter reference.

  3. To save your change, click the Update link in the row for the parameter you modified.

Tip: To restore a parameter's default value, click the Restore to default link for the parameter you want to restore.

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AutoDiscovery parameter reference

AutoDiscovery parameters include the following:

Global parameters

The following parameters determine global AutoDiscovery behavior:

Business service creation parameters

AutoDiscovery provides the following additional parameters to determine business service creation behavior:

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