Discovery settings

This topic describes how to configure an AlgoSec AutoDiscovery server or a Cisco Tetration server in AppViz.

These both enable you to import flows to AppViz directly from discovered applications in an AutoDiscovery or Tetration system.

For more details, see Discover applications.

Configure an AutoDiscovery server

This procedure describes how to connect an AutoDiscovery server to AppViz, enabling you to use AutoDiscovery to discover business applications and import them in to AppViz.

For more details, see AutoDiscovery.

Do the following:

  1. In the AppViz Administration area, click the Discovery tab.
  2. Click Connect to AlgoSec AutoDiscovery, and enter the following details:

    AutoDiscovery server URL The IP address of the AutoDiscovery server.
    AutoDiscovery server username The username used to access the AutoDiscovery server.
    AutoDiscovery server password The password used to access the AutoDiscovery server.
  3. (Optional) When adding an AutoDiscovery server, configure the additional optional automation options:

    Auto-run discovery after every synch with

    Select to configure AppViz to run an automatic discovery after each automatic synchronization with AFA.

    Displayed only when Automatic update is enabled on the OBJECTS UPDATE tab of the AppViz Administration area.


    Select to schedule a daily or weekly discovery at a specific time.

    Displayed only when Automatic update is disabled on the OBJECTS UPDATE tab of the AppViz Administration area.

    For more details, see Update all device objects.

  4. Click Save at the top-right of the page to save your changes.

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Configure a Cisco Tetration server

This procedure describes how to connect a Cisco Tetration server to AppViz, enabling you to use Tetration to discover business applications and import them in to AppViz.

Do the following:

  1. In the AppViz Administration area, click the Discovery tab.
  2. Click Connect to Cisco Tetration, and enter the following details:

    Cisco Tetration server URL The IP address of the Tetration server.
    Cisco Tetration VRF ID The VRF ID used to access the Tetration server.
    Cisco Tetration OpenAPI Key

    The OpenAPI key used to access the Tetration server.

    Click Select a File to browse to and select the OpenAPI key file to upload.

    Tip: Click Download Example to view a sample json OpenAPI key file.

  3. Click Save at the top-right of the page to save your changes.

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Configure advanced settings

This procedure describes how to access and configure advanced AppViz settings for discovery.

Do the following:

  1. In the AppViz Administration area, click the Discovery tab, and then click Advanced Settings.
  2. Configure the settings as follows:

    Existing applications

    Select one of the following to determine how AppViz handles flows that are discovered with existing AppViz applications:

    • Append flows to existing applications. This prevents duplication and the creation of extra AppViz applications.
    • Ignore flows that relate to existing applications (create only new applications). Ignore flows that are related to any applications that already exist. Only flows with new applications will be imported.
    Optimize traffic flows

    Select this option to automatically optimize discovered traffic flows. This helps to organize and manage your applications efficiently.

    Select Optimize my traffic flows, and then enter a number in the text box to indicate the maximum number of flows per application.

    Optimization mapping

    Select Enable object mapping to map the discovered IP addresses to specific network objects.

    If you select this option, then also select or upload a new CSV mapping file to the AppViz server.

    Click Sample CSV mapping file to download an example of how this file should be configured.

  3. Click Save to save your changes and close the dialog.

Tip: Additional advanced settings are available via the CLI and the file. For details, see Configure advanced AppViz properties.

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