Modify FireFlow stages

This topic describes how to modify FireFlow stages (tabs).

Do the following:

  1. Export VF workflows into XML files (Apply changes to all workflows button).
  2. Edit the relevant workflow XML file in /usr/share/fireflow/local/etc/site/Workflows/ using an editor.

    Near the end you'll see the <images> tag.

    These are the stages (tabs). There are possibly different stages when the ticket is in different statuses. Below you will see the standard workflow for traffic ticket. When the ticket is rejected it only has 4 stages (tabs). When it is deleted it has no stages (tabs). Otherwise, the default is 7 stages (tabs). You can add an 8th one there.

    <currentStatus name="default">
    <image name="new" />
    <image name="open" />
    <image name="check" />
    <image name="implement" />
    <image name="validate" />
    <image name="reconcile" />
    <image name="resolved" />
    <currentStatus name="rejected">
    <image name="new" />
    <image name="open" />
    <image name="check" />
    <image name="rejected" />
    <currentStatus name="deleted" />

  3. Import XML files into WF (Discard all changes button).

  4. Continue working normally in VF. For each status you will be able to choose the new stage you added in the Stage drop-down menu.

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