Break a cluster

This topic describes how to break a cluster. Removing an appliance from a cluster changes it to a standalone appliance, and also temporarily stops any AlgoSec services running on the appliance.

Do the following:

  1. From the primary appliance, connect to the ASMS Administration Interface. For details, see Connect to the Administration Interface.

  2. Enter 13. The console displays details about the cluster, including primary and secondary nodes and their statuses.

    For example:

    Cluster status:
    1. Primary         |      |  Up (this appliance)  |  AFA, ABF, AFF
    2. Secondary (HA)  |      |  Up                   |  DB
       <-> : Synced
    * VIP -
  3. Enter 2 to remove the HA configuration. When prompted to confirm, enter yes.

    AlgoSec services are stopped and the appliance is removed from the cluster.

    When complete, the services are started again, and a success message appears along with the cluster status. An email notification is also sent to the Administrator user.

  4. After breaking a cluster, make sure to bring down one of the appliances that used to be in the cluster. This is required to prevent duplication, as both appliances remain connected to the same Load Units / Remote Agents, as well as devices and firewalls.

  5. HA clusters only: After breaking an HA cluster, the virtual IP remains attached to the node that used to be the primary node.

    Remove it as needed by doing the following:

    1. Connect to the ASMS Administration Interface, and enter 13 to configure HA/DR. For details, see Connect to the Administration Interface.
    2. Enter 4 to remove a VIP.
    3. At the prompt, enter y to confirm.
    4. If you have Load Units configured, run the Distributed Architecture configuration from the main Administration interface. For details, see Add or edit Load Units.