AFA SOAP web services

AFA offers a SOAP API which allows you to integrate AFA functionality into external applications.

The AFA WSDL file

The AFA Web service's WSDL file is available at:


where <algosec_server> is the AFA/FireFlow server URL.

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AFA SOAP method reference

The standard SOAP request envelope header for AFA is:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:afa="">  


Note: The entity name is the display name for the device/group/matrix. The entity ID (tree name) is an internal representation of the device/group/matrix, usually the display name without non-alphanumeric characters or spaces.

An example for a full SOAP request is as follows:


The AFA SOAP interface supports the following methods:

AFA SOAP methods Description
add_device_to_group Adding a Device to a Group

Starting a Session

Note: All other methods require a session ID which is obtained with the connect method.

create_device Creating a Device
create_device_group Creating a Device Group
create_role Creating a New Role
create_user Creating a New User
delete_role Deleting a Role
delete_scheduler_job Deleting a Scheduler Job
delete_user Deleting a User
device_changes_over_time_report Device Changes Over Time
disconnect Ending a Session
edit_rule_documentation Editing a Rule's Documentation

Retrieving a List of all Network Object Information

get_all_services Retrieving a List of all Service Object Information
get_configuration Getting the Configuration
get_containing_objects Retrieve containing objects
get_device_statistics Retrieving Statistics for a Device
get_devices_list Retrieving a List of all Devices
get_entity_id Retrieving an Entity ID
get_entity_name Retrieving an Entity Name
get_group_content Retrieving a List of Devices Contained in a Group
get_groups_list Retrieving a List of all Groups
get_hostgroup_by_name_and_device Retrieving a Network Object's Information
get_hostgroups_by_device Retrieving a Device's Network Object Information
get_license Retrieve license
get_nat_discovery Retrieving NAT Values for a Device or Group
get_parent_device Retrieve parent device
get_report_pdf Retrieving PDF of Report Page
get_rule_documentation Retrieving a Rule's Documentation
get_rules_by_device Retrieving a List of a Device's Rules
get_service_by_name_and_device Retrieving a Service Object's Information
get_services_by_device Retrieving a Device's Service Object Information
get_unused_rules Retrieving a List of Unused Rules
importing_risks_from_spreadsheet Import Risks from Spreadsheet
importing_risks_from_XML Import Risks from XML File
is_session_alive Verifying a Session is Active
query Run traffic simulation queries
risks_summary Retrieving Risk Information for a Device
search_object_by_IP Search for object by IP
search_rule Searching for Rules
set_configuration Setting Configuration Parameters
set_scheduler_job Creating and Updating a Scheduler Job
start_analysis Starting an Analysis
update_role Updating a Role
update_user Updating a User

If the method's operation is successful, the method response returns data items or an indication of success. If the method's operation was not successful, the response indicates that a SOAP fault has been thrown. For more details, see SOAP faults and SOAP fault list.

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SOAP faults

The returned SOAP fault name is connectError.

The following are some of the possible additional SOAP faults:

  • The user does not have the necessary permissions.
  • The device is a group.

The following example is for a fault thrown when the user does not have permissions on the firewall.

        <faultstring>[710]  [device [fw3] is not in the list of permitteddevices]</faultstring>
        <faultactor>AFA Web Service</faultactor>
                <description>[710]  [device [fw3] is not in the list of permitteddevices]</description>

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