Logging In

To perform many requests, you can authenticate with an authentication cookie. You obtain the cookie with the method described below.

Every request must be in JSON format. Each request must include the content-type header with the value application/json.

Note: If you are using a development platform that does not automatically handle cookies, you must manually add a header (to every request) with the name Cookie with the value JSESSIONID=<jsessionid>, where <jsessionid> is the session ID provided in the response body of the login method.

Note: For a single API call, you can submit any request without logging in. You can send the request with a basic authorization header. Authentication will be for the individual request only and will not create an authentication cookie/session ID that can be used for other requests.

Resource Name: /login

Request Method: POST

Request Header:



Authorization Basic <encoded_credentials>

where <encoded_credentials> is <user name>:<password> encoded in base64.

Response Body:






The session ID.