Log analysis

In the Log analysis tab, set the log analysis options described below.

Log analysis fields

In this field...

Do this...

Use log starting n days before the report date

Enter the number of days before a report date to specify how far back you want to use log data when generating AFA reports.

For example, if you set this field to 180, AFA will use all logs generated between 180 days before the report date and the actual report date, when creating the report.

Important: The Log_Analysis_Months_Before parameter controls Traffic log DB retention time. Logs older than the parameter value are deleted. The default is 12 months. (get into from Tamer 6-14-22)

Timeout for log analysis is n minutes

Enter the maximum amount of time in minutes for log analysis to run.

Max. # concurrent log processes

To prevent system overload, you can limit the number of concurrent log processes. Enter a positive number to set this limit.

Default: 0 (Unlimited).

Note: Ensure that the specified number does not exceed the number of CPU core processors utilized by the system.