Search firewall changes

Search for firewall changes based on your search criteria. You can make basic or complex queries. See search tips below for explanation of the required format of your search query.

Resource Name: /firewall-changes/search

Request Method: POST

Request parameters







The search query request in JSON format. The request must contain the search criteria. See search tips above for details.

pageIndex integer The page index to retrieve. It is a positive integer with a default value of 0.

Request example

    "searchQuery": "(status == \"no ticket\") or (changetype != add)"

Request cURL example

curl -X POST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{ "searchQuery": "(status == \"no ticket\") or (changetype != add)" }'

Response parameters




paginationInfo object The pagination information.
currentPageIndex integer The current page index.
maxElementsForPage integer The maximum number of elements per page.
totalElements integer The total number of elements across all pages.
totalPages integer The total number of pages.
firewallChange array of object An array of firewall changes that match the search criteria. Each firewall change is represented as a FirewallChanges schema.
id integer The ID of the firewall change.
summary string A summary of the firewall change.
deviceName string The name of the device where the firewall change was made.
changeDate date The date and time the firewall change was made, in ISO 8601 format with UTC time.
status string The status of the firewall change.
policy string The name of the policy associated with the firewall change.
ruleChange object The change done in the firewall,
changeType string The type of change made to the firewall. Can be "add", "delete", or "modify".
oldRule Object Old firewall rule details
newRule Object New firewall rule details
acl string Access Control List
action string Action
application string Application
comment string Comment
creationDate string Creation date in ISO 8601 format with UTC Time
destination string Destination
destinationDetails string Destination details
destinationNat string Destination NAT
deviceName string Device name
enable string Enable status
fromZone string From zone
install string Install status
name string Name
ruleId string Rule ID
ruleInterface string Rule interface
ruleNum string Rule number
service string Service
serviceDetails string Service details
source string Source
sourceDetails string Source details
sourceNat string Source NAT
time string Time range
toZone string To zone
track string Track status
user string User
vpn string VPN
messages array Array of message details containing code and message
status string Status of the request, can be Success or Failure.
code string Message details error code
message string Message details error message

Status codes:






Input validation failure


Authentication failure


Failed to complete operation.

Response example for success 200

  "paginationInfo": {
    "currentPageIndex": 0,
    "maxElementsForPage": 10,
    "totalElements": 50,
    "totalPages": 5
  "firewallChanges": [
      "id": 770,
      "summary": "Rule number 1 in device PanoramaDeviceName removed",
      "deviceName": "PanoramaDeviceName",
      "changeDate": "2023-01-25T23:12:56Z",
      "status": "no ticket",
      "comment": "Rule removed",
      "policy": "PanoramaPolicyName",
      "ruleChange": {
        "changeType": "Delete",
        "oldRule": {
          "acl": "acl1",
          "action": "allow",
          "application": "app1",
          "comment": "Allow access",
          "creationDate": "2023-01-25T23:12:56Z",
          "destination": "",
          "destinationDetails": "Server1",
          "destinationNat": "None",
          "deviceName": "PanoramaDeviceName",
          "enable": "true",
          "fromZone": "Internal",
          "install": "true",
          "name": "AllowAccessRule",
          "ruleId": "R1",
          "ruleInterface": "eth0",
          "ruleNum": "1",
          "service": "HTTP",
          "serviceDetails": "Port 80",
          "source": "",
          "sourceDetails": "Client1",
          "sourceNat": "None",
          "time": "00:00-23:59",
          "toZone": "External",
          "track": "true",
          "user": "user1",
          "vpn": "None"
        "newRule": null

Response example for failure 400

  "data": {},
  "messages": [
      "code": "401",
      "message": "Invalid search query format"
  "status": "Failure"