Get a list of network objects
Get a list of matching network objects by multiple parameters.
Resource name: /api/v1/networkObject/search/findByOriginalNameContaining
Request Method: GET
Request parameters:
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
deviceName mandatory |
string | Device tree name. To get the device tree name, use GET /devices method from the Devices Setup Resource Group. |
direction | string |
The sorting order of the network objects:
Network objects are ordered according to the value set in the sort field. |
ipType | string | Network object IP types. If not set, the default value is IPv4. |
isUnique | string |
Determines whether the response includes duplicate entity or object names. Allowed options:
For example, when enabled, the response might include multiple network objects with the same name. When disabled, the response will include only the first instance found. |
objectContainer | string | Object container name. |
onlyFireflowSupportedDevices | boolean |
Determines whether the response includes only devices which support FireFlow or all devices. Allowed options:
boolean |
Determines whether the response includes only devices which use NAT or all devices. Allowed options:
page | integer (int32) | The number of pages to include in the response. |
query mandatory |
string | Search string, including the network object name. If left empty, all matching objects are returned. |
size | integer (int32) | The number of results to include on each page in the response. |
sort | string | The field used to sort results in the response. |
supportedObjectInternalTypeOnly | boolean |
Determines whether the response includes only internal obejcts or all objects. Allowed options:
Request example:
curl -X GET "https://<localhost>/api/v1/networkObject/search/findByOriginalNameContaining?deviceName=device1&direction=ASC&domain=12345&ipType=IPv4&isUnique=false&objectContainer=container1&onlyFireflowSupportedDevices=true&page=0&query=example&size=50&sort=canonizedName" -H "Accept: */*"
Status codes:
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
403 | The session does not have permissions. |
404 | Unknown resource |
Response parameters:
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
canonizedName | string | The canonized name of the network object. |
classname | string | The class name of the network object. |
icon | string | The icon of the network object. |
id | integer (int64) | The ID of the network object. |
invalidNamedObject | boolean | Indicates if the network object is an invalid named object. |
ipCount | integer | The number of IP addresses in the network object. |
ipType | string | The IP type of the network object. |
ipaddress | string | The IP address of the network object. |
members | string | The members of the network object. |
natRanges | array | An array of NetworkObjectNatRange items. |
ipAddress | string | The IP address of the NAT range. |
natType | string | The NAT type of the network object. |
objectContainer | object | An ObjectContainer object. |
brand | object | A Brand object. |
containerId | string | The ID of the container. |
id | integer (int64) | The ID of the object container. |
managementDevice | string | The management device of the object container. |
name | string | The name of the object container. |
originalName | string | The original name of the object container. |
objectInternalType | object | An ObjectInternalType object. |
id | integer (int64) | The ID of the object internal type. |
name | string | The name of the object internal type. |
originalName | string | The original name of the network object. |
user | string | The user associated with the network object. |
zone | string | The zone of the network object. |
empty | boolean | Indicates if the content is empty. |
first | boolean | Indicates if it is the first page. |
last | boolean | Indicates if it is the last page. |
number | integer (int32) | The current page number. |
numberOfElements | integer (int32) | The number of elements on the current page. |
pageable | object | A Pageable object. |
offset | integer (int64) | The offset value. |
pageNumber | integer (int32) | The page number. |
pageSize | integer (int32) | The size of the page. |
paged | boolean | Indicates if pagination is enabled. |
sort | object | A Sort object. |
empty | boolean | Indicates if the sort is empty. |
sorted | boolean | Indicates if the sort is sorted. |
unsorted | boolean | Indicates if the sort is unsorted. |
unpaged | boolean | Indicates if pagination is disabled. |
size | integer (int32) | The size of the page. |
sort | object | A Sort object. |
totalElements | integer (int64) | The total number of elements. |
totalPages | integer (int32) | The total number of pages. |
Response example (success 200):
{ "content": [ { "canonizedName": "network_object1", "classname": "ClassA", "icon": "icon1.png", "id": 1, "invalidNamedObject": false, "ipCount": 5, "ipType": "IPv4", "ipaddress": "", "members": "member1, member2", "natRanges": [ { "ipAddress": "" }, { "ipAddress": "" } ], "natType": "NAT", "objectContainer": { "brand": { "id": 1, "name": "BrandA" }, "containerId": "container1", "id": 1, "managementDevice": "device1", "name": "ContainerA", "originalName": "OriginalContainerA" }, "objectInternalType": { "id": 1, "name": "InternalTypeA" }, "originalName": "OriginalNetworkObject1", "user": "user1", "zone": "ZoneA" }, { "canonizedName": "network_object2", "classname": "ClassB", "icon": "icon2.png", "id": 2, "invalidNamedObject": false, "ipCount": 3, "ipType": "IPv6", "ipaddress": "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "members": "member3, member4", "natRanges": [], "natType": "None", "objectContainer": { "brand": { "id": 2, "name": "BrandB" }, "containerId": "container2", "id": 2, "managementDevice": "device2", "name": "ContainerB", "originalName": "OriginalContainerB" }, "objectInternalType": { "id": 2, "name": "InternalTypeB" }, "originalName": "OriginalNetworkObject2", "user": "user2", "zone": "ZoneB" } ], "empty": false, "first": true, "last": true, "number": 0, "numberOfElements": 2, "pageable": { "offset": 0, "pageNumber": 0, "pageSize": 10, "paged": true, "sort": { "empty": true, "sorted": false, "unsorted": true }, "unpaged": false }, "size": 10, "sort": { "empty": true, "sorted": false, "unsorted": true }, "totalElements": 2, "totalPages": 1 }
Response example (failure 400):
{ "cause": null, "localizedMessage": "Resource not found", "message": "Unknown resource", "stackTrace": [], "suppressed": [] }