AFA SOAP web services
The AFA WSDL file
The AFA Web service's WSDL file is available at:
where <algosec_server> is the AFA/FireFlow server URL.
AFA SOAP method reference
The standard SOAP request envelope header for AFA is:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:afa="">
Note: The entity name is the display name for the device/group/matrix. The entity ID (tree name) is an internal representation of the device/group/matrix, usually the display name without non-alphanumeric characters or spaces.
The AFA SOAP interface supports the following methods:
If the method's operation is successful, the method response returns data items or an indication of success. If the method's operation was not successful, the response indicates that a SOAP fault has been thrown. For more details, see SOAP faults and SOAP fault list.
SOAP faults
The returned SOAP fault name is connectError.
The following are some of the possible additional SOAP faults:
- The user does not have the necessary permissions.
- The device is a group.
The following example is for a fault thrown when the user does not have permissions on the firewall.
<faultstring>[710] [device [fw3] is not in the list of permitted
<faultactor>AFA Web Service</faultactor>
<description>[710] [device [fw3] is not in the list of permitted