Manage onboarded accounts

This topic describes how you manage onboarded Azure subscriptions, AWS accounts, and Google Cloud projects in Cloud Network Security.


In AppViz, hover over the SETTINGS icon at the bottom left of the screen. After the panel expands, click ONBOARDING.

The ONBOARDING MANAGEMENT page is displayed, with a table showing details for each account defined in AppViz.

Note: Click on a column heading to alphabetically sort the table by that column.

Data displayed per resource

Column Name Description
Account Name

Name of the account/subscription/project. To edit the name, see Edit account details.

Note (for AWS):

  • When accounts are onboarded as part of a StackSet in AWS, the account names in AppViz are initially set to the AWS account number (ID) of the account being onboarded

  • For individual account onboarding, the account name in AppViz is initially set to the AWS account ID of the user who created the account (Stack)

Account ID ID assigned to the account / subscription / project.
Vendor Name of the vendor.

Type of vendor resource:

  • AWS: Account

  • Azure: Subscription

  • Google Cloud: Project


Displays the account status:

  • : Last data collection finished successfully

  • : An error occurred during the last data collection or permissions are missing

    Tip: Hover over the status to see a tooltip explaining the reason and details about the error. Click Copy to copy the message.

  • : Data collection is in process

Onboarding Date

The date the account was onboarded to AppViz.

Note: Accounts onboarded before this column was introduced will show N/A.

Last Successful Update

The date-time that the last data collection completed successfully.


  • Data collection is done every hour. If you have many accounts, it can take multiple data collection cycles to complete data collection.

  • If data collection has not completed successfully since onboarding, the column displays N/A.

Search and filter accounts

Use the search and filter fields to see a targeted selection of accounts.

Search Search accounts using partial or whole account names or vendor IDs.
Vendor Filter by vendor type(s) (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).
Status Filter by account onboard status(es) (Active, In progress, Failure).

Edit account details

Note: You can edit the name of all account types, but only credentials for Azure subscriptions can be modified.

Do the following:

  1. In the Name column, click the account name you want to edit.

    An account / subscription/ project window appears, based on the vendor selected.

  2. Edit the account / subscription/ project name.

  3. For Azure only: Update Application ID and Application Secret.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.