Review account status

The AppViz OVERVIEW page enables you to more easily manage many accounts from multiple vendors. Identify the accounts to focus on and then view the relevant pages to investigate the issues.

Access the Overview page

To open the Overview page, click the OVERVIEW icon on the left.

By default, the page opens on the Account summary tab and displays an overview of all accounts onboarded to AppViz. To learn more about each of the tabs, see Overview page tabs.

Overview page tabs

Use the Account summary, VPCs / VNets, Inventory, Assets, and Security controls tabs in combination with the selected entity in the Overview Tree and filter options for a targeted view of the managed accounts, the protected assets, and the security controls.

View Element Details

In the Assets and Security Controls tabs, you can click on the name of the asset or security control to display the Element Details window.

Note: To see element details for virtual machines:

  1. From the Assets tab click on the name of the asset.

  2. Navigate to the General Details tab.

For more details, see View risk triggers associated with a virtual machine.

Overview Tree

The Overview Tree lets you drill down to see specific assets of each vendor.

The Overview Tree contains the following entities:

Vendor / Policy Type Account / Subscription / Project Virtual Network Type
Icon Type Icon Type
AWS Account VPC
Azure Subscription VNet
Virtual Hub
Google Cloud Project VPC

Overview tree search bar

Use the Overview Tree Search bar to filter the tree and find entries visible in the tree quicker.

Search using partial or whole names of any of the following:

  • Vendors / Policy Types

  • Accounts / Subscriptions / Projects

  • Regions

  • VPCs / VNets / Virtual Hubs


â See also: