Work with risks

The Risks page provides information on risks across all your on-boarded cloud accounts (such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud). From it, you can explore, activate, and suppress whole risks or risk triggers, export risk trigger details, identify affected assets, access rules in the context of their policy sets, and create risk reports.

Risks are determined based on AppViz risk profiles. To learn how you can set and manage risk profiles see Manage risk profiles.

View risks and risk details

To access the Risks page in AppViz, click the RISKS icon on the main menu on the left.

The RISKS page loads, listing risks detected across your cloud inventory on the left and the details of the currently selected risk on the right.

Search and filter risks

Use the Search field to display a Risks list whose titles contain a specific string. The Search field can be used in conjunction with Risk filters to find required risks efficiently.

Risk filters

Use the filters located at the top of the page to view a more focused list of risks. You can filter based on any of the following:

  • Cloud type

  • Account

  • Region

  • Virtual Networks

  • Tags

  • Risk severity

  • Detection date

Important: Configuring one or more filters can potentially result in no risks matching the filter criteria.


  • Multiple values, single values, or no value can be selected for all filters (except Detection date which can have either a single date range or no value selected)

  • Virtual Networks filter is only enabled when one account is selected

  • Between filters the Boolean AND operator applies

  • Between values within a filter, the Boolean OR operator applies

  • When Detection date has no value selected, the results will show risks detected from when the account was onboarded until the present date.

For more information about tags and working with applications in AppViz, see Work with tags.

Risks list

The left panel gives an overview of all active and suppressed risks, list sorting options, and displays key descriptive elements for each risk listed.

  1. The total number of risks associated with your AppViz account.

  2. How many risks are suppressed.

  3. The Sort by selector which indicates the ordering of the list:

    • Severity

    • Cloud type

    • Risk name

    • Trigger count

    • Assets count

  4. The Sort direction selector.

  5. Risks list entry:

    Severity color strip

    A thin strip of color indicating the severity of the risk.

    Red = Critical

    Orange = High

    Yellow = Medium

    Blue = Low

    Grey box = Suppressed risk (Suppressed risks are listed at the bottom of the list).

    Cloud type The cloud type of the account the risk was found in.
    Risk name A short description of the risk.
    Triggers The number of rules that trigger the risk.

    Affected assets

    The number and types of assets affected by the risk.

    Note: For Azure NSG risks, this includes VMs attached either to network interfaces or to network interfaces found within subnets.

  6. Select which risks to export a risks report. For more details, see Export risk and risk trigger details.

Risk summary

When a risk is selected from the Risks list, a full summary of that risk and its Risk triggers appear in the panel to the right.

The risk summary section contains the following information and options:

Risk title The name of the risk as it appears in the risks list panel.

Risk ID

The ID number assigned to the detected risk.

Note: The risk profile that generated the risk is appended to the end of the Risk ID. For details on risk profiles, see Manage risk profiles.

Severity The severity of the risk (critical, high, medium, low).
Asset type Type of cloud asset (for example, VM, firewall, subnet).
Cloud type

The name of the cloud vendor.

Description A description of the risk.
Remediation recommendation The suggested course of action to resolve the risk.
Suppress risk Click to suppress the risk, including all of its risk triggers. For more details, see Suppress/Activate risks and risk triggers.
Export to CSV Click the icon to export the list of risk triggers to a CSV file. For more details, see Export risk and risk trigger details.

Risk triggers

The Risk triggers section displays and details the rules that trigger the risk selected in the left panel. In the Risk triggers section, suppressed and active risk triggers are shown in separate views selected using the Risk triggers view filter.

The Risk triggers header includes:

No. of Risk triggers

The number of rules found that trigger the risk. If this number includes suppressed risk triggers, the number of suppressed risk triggers is indicated in parentheses.

Search filter When used, only the rules whose names contain the filtered text are displayed.
Risk triggers view
  • Active: See active risk triggers

  • Suppressed: See risk triggers that have been suppressed

In the Risk triggers list, the following fields are displayed for every risk trigger:

Hierarchical (Google Cloud)

Indicates that the risk is triggered by a rule that comes from a hierarchical policy.


This column lists the evidence (the full path to the rule) that triggered the risk. Path details depend on the vendor:

Vendor Rule Path Details

Azure NSG
Azure Firewall
Google Cloud

VPC firewall rules:

Hierarchical rules:

Tip: Click on a trigger to display the rule in the policy sets in which it is found. This allows you to:

  • Review the rule definition.

  • Review the rule in the context of the SG/NSG to which it belongs.

  • Remediate the risk by modifying or deleting the rule.

Affected assets

Assets affected by the rule.

When multiple assets are affected, a number is displayed in this column. Click on it to see a list of the affected assets.

Note: For Azure NSG risks, if a risk trigger is part of an NSG attached to a subnet then the subnet name is shown as well as the number of affected VMs contained in the subnet. To review the full list of the VMs, use the Export risk and risk trigger details option.

Detected on

Displays the date the risk trigger was first detected.

Note: Accounts onboarded to AppViz before this feature was introduced will display the date the feature was released in AppViz (26-March-2024) instead of the date the risk trigger was first detected.

Note: The detected date is reset in the following situations:

  • If an account is removed and then reimported to AppViz

  • For AWS: When a rule is changed

Last used

Shows either the date the rule was most recently used or a status message that varies based on the Security Control:

Suppress Trigger icon

Click the icon to suppress the rule that is triggering the risk. For details on suppressing / activating risk triggers, see Suppress/Activate risks and risk triggers.

Additional fields for suppressed risk triggers:

Suppressed for

Indicates if this risk is suppressed for:

  • This risk only

  • All risks

Date suppressed The date (mmm-dd-yyyy) the risk was suppressed.
Comment Click on the Comment icon to view or edit the suppressed comment.

Suppress/Activate risks and risk triggers

AppViz identifies the risks across all your onboarded accounts and displays them on the Risks page; however, you can modify which risks appear by suppressing /activating the risks themselves or the risk triggers that generate the risks.

Export risk and risk trigger details

Export a snapshot of risks and risk trigger information for easy sharing with relevant stakeholders and further analysis.

Access rules in the context of their policy sets

You can access rules in the context of their policy sets from the Risks page.

  1. From the left pane, click on a risk.

  2. Click on a link of interest in the evidence column.

    The Network Policies page appears with the relevant policy set showing its inbound and outbound rules tabs.

    For each rule, the number of risks at each level is shown by colored-coded circles. Hover over the circles to see the number of risks and the severity level text.

Notes about risk triggers and affected assets

AppViz supports risks for policies that are not attached to any network interface, subnet, or virtual machine.

Azure Only: In certain scenarios, an Azure NSG may be protecting several assets, such as VMs, yet a particular NSG rule only safeguards a portion of these assets. This situation often arises when an NSG rule, designed to target a single IP address, is applied to a subnet that encompasses multiple VMs. In such cases, AppViz displays in the affected assets result only the VM effectively protected by this rule (the VM holding that specific IP).

In the following example, the NSG incoming rule has a rule destination Although the NSG is applied to a subnet containing 3 virtual machines and to an additional interface with a single virtual machine, AppViz only considers VM3 an affected asset because it is the only virtual machine whose traffic is impacted by the rule destination.

Risks and risk triggers are displayed when the risk triggers (SG/NSG rules) belong to the set of rules matching the user input for the following filters:

  • Cloud type

  • Account

  • Region