Onboard AWS accounts to Cloud Network Security

This topic explains how to onboard AWS accounts to AppViz Cloud Network Security.

Note: Seamless AWS Account Onboarding: An early availability feature in ASMS A33.00 is the ability to onboard AWS accounts to both AppViz and ASMS simultaneously. This capability streamlines your onboarding process. Once accounts are added to AppViz, they are automatically onboarded to ASMS. For more details, refer to our ASMS tech docs Onboard AWS accounts to both AlgoSec Cloud and ASMS simultaneously.

For list of required permissions see Permissions required for AWS accounts.

You can choose from three onboarding methods to add new AWS accounts. Whether changes to account resources after onboarding are synced from AWS to AppViz depends on the selected onboarding method.

Note: Changes to onboarded account resources are automatically synced with AppViz once every hour.

Onboarding Methods for AWS Accounts

You can onboard new AWS accounts using one of the following methods:

  • With script - Use scripts to onboard AWS resources. Changes to account resources after onboarding are automatically synced from AWS to AppViz Cloud Network Security.

  • API (single account) - Onboard a single AWS account using the API. Changes to account resources after onboarding are not automatically synced.

  • Terraform - Leverage Terraform, an infrastructure-as-code solution, to onboard AWS accounts into AppViz Cloud Network Security. Changes to account resources after onboarding are automatically synced from AWS to AppViz Cloud Network Security.

Note: Deleting AWS accounts is not automatically synced. To remove AWS accounts from Cloud Network Security after deletion in AWS, refer to Offboard AWS accounts from AppViz.

Onboard AWS accounts

Do the following:

  1. In the AppViz Settings area, click ONBOARDING.

    On the Onboarding Managment page that opens, click +Onboard.

  2. If you are onboarding your first account, click the New Cloud Account button on the welcome page.

  3. Otherwise, click the button and click Next.

    The AWS Onboarding wizard appears.

  4. Select your preferred method to onboard using the Select Onboarding Method dropdown.

    *Automatically syncs changes to accounts from AWS to AppViz after onboarding.
    Onboarding Method Description Automatic sync*
    With script Uses scripts to onboard AWS resources Yes
    API (single account) Onboard a single subscription via API No
    Terraform Onboard AWS resources using Terraform Yes
  5. Onboard AWS accounts using your preferred method:

Permissions required for AWS roles

See Permissions required for AWS accounts.

VPC Flow Logs

Tip: For background about VPC Flow Logs, see these: AWS Article: VPC Flow Logs, AWS Blog: VPC Flow Logs.

By enabling VPC flow logs, AppViz can retrieve and analyze flow logs. This provides you with data, shown on the AppViz Risk Trigger and Network Policy pages, about the date when SG rules were last used. On the network policy pages, you can use this data to clean out old or unused rules from your policies.

For more details on the benefits of enabling VPC flow logging, see Last used and Clean up policies

Once flow logs are enabled, AppViz will start displaying details about the last used date for each triggered rule. Follow the steps in Enable AWS VPC flow logging to get started.

(1) Allow up to 24 hours for relevant rule usage information to be displayed when enabling flow logs for the first time and when adding accounts that already had flow logs enabled.

(2) VPC flow logs can be stored on either S3 or CloudWatch.AppViz supports collecting flow logs from either option.

(3)AppViz supports processing flow logs only when they are stored in the default log format. More details in this AWS article.

(4) If you configure both S3 and CloudWatch as your VPC Flow Logs targets,AppViz will collect only from the S3 buckets.

(5)AppViz collects only VPC Flow Logs of traffic type “accept”. Make sure that you configure the VPC Flow Logs traffic type to either “Accepted traffic” or “All traffic” (more details in this AWS article)

Enable AWS VPC flow logging

Update details of onboarded AWS accounts

You can update the details for AWS resources already onboarded to AppViz. This is helpful if you need to add or remove write permissions.

Offboard AWS accounts from AppViz

If you remove onboarded accounts from AWS, they will not automatically disappear from Cloud Network Security. Avoid discrepancies in your account management by following these steps to manually offboard accounts from AppViz.

You can offboard AWS accounts from AppViz using any of the following methods:

  • AWS Console