Business applications

In AppViz, an application is a business need that may require specific traffic flows to be allowed in your network security policy. Typically, an application is associated with the various user communities that use its services and manage the application.

View applications

From the AppViz main menu, click APPLICATIONS to search for and view the applications configured in AppViz.

Recent applications are displayed by default under the search bar. Click an application name to view its details in the workspace.

  • The colored square next to each application name represents it's current status, which is based on the connectivity status of the application's flows.

    Colors include:

    Allowed. The network security policy is configured to allow all of the application's connectivity requirements. Every flow in the application is allowed.

    Blocked. One or more of the application's flows are blocked or partially blocked.

    No connectivity information, Decommissioned or Pending Decommission.

  • Images such as or indicate an application's revision status. Click the icon to select the revision you want to view.

Enter text in the search bar to search for an application name. For more details, see Search for applications.

Tip: To return to the other areas available from the main menu, click the hamburger icon at the top left, and select the page you want to navigate to.

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Search for applications

At the top left of the AppViz Applications area, enter text in the search bar at the top left to search for application names or tags.

To search for application names or tags only, click and select an option from the dropdown menu:

Note: This search only returns current versions of your applications, and cannot access historical data.

Perform an advanced search

Under the Applications search bar, click Advanced Search to perform an advanced search for applications.

In the Advanced Search dialog, enter text in any of the fields to find matching applications.

Click Search to perform your search.

Advanced search fields include:

By Traffic

Enter details in any of the following fields:

  • Source. A server name or IP address for the traffic source you want to search for.

  • User. The username for the user of the traffic you want to search for.

  • Destination. A server name or IP address for the traffic destination you want to search for.

  • Network Application. A network application name for the traffic source you want to search for.

  • Service. A service name or definition of the service of the traffic you want to search for.

  • Click to add another traffic line to your search criteria.
  • Click to delete a traffic line.

Note: The User and Network Application fields appear only when user or application awareness is configured.

By Network Objects Enter the name of a network object.
By Devices Enter the name of a device.
By Risk Enter a risk code or title.
By Vulnerability Enter a CVE identifier or vulnerability description.
By Connectivity

Select one or more connectivity statuses for the application's flows.

Note: This search parameter is related to flow connectivity, not application connectivity.The results will include all applications with at least one flow with the specified connectivity.

By Status

Select one or more revision statuses.

By tag Enter a tag name.
By Projects

Enter a project name.

By Custom Field

Enter a custom field name and value.

  • Click to add another custom field line.
  • Click to delete a custom field line.
By Expiration Date Enter a range of application expiration dates.

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Add applications

This procedure describes how to add a new application to AppViz manually.

Do the following:

In the AppViz Applications area, click + New Application at the bottom-left.

Go to the Applications area. For details, see Welcome to AppViz

  1. Click + New Application.

    The New Application form appears in the workspace.

  2. [Optional] Create a new application from the New Application tab by filling out the relevant fields (see Application fields) and then skip Step #4 (Clone an existing application),

  3. [Optional] Clone an existing application:
    • Click the Based on existing tab.
    • In the Base Application box, type the name of the application to clone. Or, click Application lookup to search for the base application or select from the Application Name list.
    • Complete or modify the fields as needed. For details, see Application fields.
  4. Associate Contacts:
    To associate contacts with the application, do the following in the Contacts area:
    • Click Add contact.

      The Add contact wizard is displayed.

    • Use the wizard to select the contact. For details, see Use the Add Contact wizard .

  5. To add a tag to the application, see Add a tag .

    Note: This area only supports adding user-defined tags, not system tags such as the tags associated with Critical Processes. System tags, by definition, are only added to applications as the result of a system function.

  6. To add an attachment to the application, click Attach files and follow the instructions.
  7. Click Save Changes.

    The application is added.

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Application workflow

Use AppViz to manage your applications using the following steps:

  1. Add, edit, or remove flows from an application. The application revision status changes to Draft.
  2. Apply the draft revision to the network security policy, or remove it. AppViz opens a FireFlow change request to block traffic flows that are no longer in use.

For details, see:

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â See also: