Extend device support

Relevant for: AFA Administrators

This section explains how to enable support for devices that are not supported out of the box, and how to manually customize routing information for any device.

ASMS provides the option to enable device support for new devices or to enable additional support for devices supported out of the box.

To enable additional device support utilizing an early availability feature, see Early availability features.

Static configuration file support

You provide a JSON file which represents the device's configuration. This option provides full support in AFA, FireFlow, and AppViz. See Static support for generic devices.

Note: When using this option, updating the device's policy requires updating and replacing the file in AFA (either manually or with a script you provide). Real-time change monitoring is not supported, but the Changes tab in reports will reflect changes that are detected by an analysis (as the result of the file being updated).

Note: This device type has a few limitations, due to its static nature. Baseline compliance analysis is not supported. Log collection is not supported, so none of the features which require traffic or audit logs are supported, such as policy optimization recommendations or information about who made a change to the device or when a change was made. Although these devices are supported for FireFlow, they are not supported for ActiveChange.

Live monitoring support

You provide an XML file that describes how to collect data from the device and icons to represent the device brand. This option provides change monitoring, basic routing, and baseline compliance only. See Generic device monitoring.