Create a device object change request
This REST calls supports opening object change requests, including those where objects from multiple devices are being changed.
Note: The change request that is created from this request cannot be edited in the Web Interface.
Resource Name: /FireFlow/api/request/object
Request Method: POST
Header requirements:
Key | Value |
Cookie | FireFlow_Session=[sessionId]. The sessionId is retrieved from the authentication request. |
Request Query Parameters:
Element |
Type |
Description |
Mandatory basic change request fields:
Additional, optional basic change request fields, such as:
String |
The change request's value for the field. Note: Element syntax in this API may differ slightly from the traffic change request API, even if it refers to the same data. For example, the externalID in this API is the same as the CMS ticket id in the traffic ticket API, and referredBy in this API is the same as ReferredBy in traffic ticket APIs. |
customFields Optional |
A customFields object |
See customFields type. |
Mandatory |
List of strings |
The list of devices for which the object change request will be created. This element is mandatory only if you do not use the objectContainers element. Note: If you are defining the device, you must enter the device database name, not the name displayed in the AFA device tree. Retrieve device database names using the following API: https://<server_IP>/fa/server/rules/read?session=<FA_session_Id>&entity=<AFA_UI_display_name> Any error messages that include the device name include the name displayed in AFA. |
String |
One of the following:
requestedActions :name |
String | The Display name of the Object being modified. |
String |
Whether the object is able to hold multiple values within it. Non-group objects may not be transformed into group objects, and group objects may not become non-group objects(though they may contain only 1 value). One of the following::
Example of a non-group object: host_1.1.1.1 Example of group object: ntp_servers |
requestedActions :type |
String |
The type of object. One of the following:
Array of String |
List of values being added, removed, or placed. Example for Service Object: ["tcp/23","udp/53"] Example for Network Object: ["object2"] |
objectContainerLevel |
String |
The device/management level on which to change the object. One of the following:
Element |
Type |
Description |
status |
String |
One of the following:
messages |
Object containing the code and the message. |
Strings that indicate success or failure. In case of failure, contains a list of strings that detail why the change request was not created. |
data |
A changeRequestId object or a list of strings |
One of the following:
Note: Change request creation may not have been completed even though the ID is supplied. |
Code |
Description |
200 |
Operation completed successfully |
400 |
Input validation failure ![]() Http status code 400:
403 |
Authentication failure ![]()
500 |
Failed to complete operation. ![]()
Create object request example
{ "template":"135: Object Change Multi Device Request", "subject":"Create object request", "due":"2019-10-10", "owner":"admin", "priority":"5", "customFields":[ { "key":"cf1", "values":[ "cf value1", "cf value2" ] }, { "key":"cf2", "values":[ "cf2 value1", "cf2 value2" ] } ], "devices":[ "FW_101", "FW_102" ], "requestedActions":[ { "action":"create", "name":"networkObject1", "type":"network", "isGroup":"false", "values":[ "" ] }, { "action":"create", "name":"serviceObject1", "type":"service", "isGroup":"false", "values":[ "tcp/12" ] } ], "objectContainerLevel":"Automatic" }
Add objects to group request example
{ "template": "135: Object Change Multi Device Request", "subject": "Modify object request", "description": "adding objects to GR_Network_Devices", "externalId": "123a", "devices": ["FW_101", "FW_102"], "requestedActions": [ { "action": "addObjectsToGroup", "name": "GR_Network_Devices", "type": "network", "isGroup": true, "values": ["Net_10.163.40.232_31", "HK_Cyberark_10.133.21.217"] }] "objectContainerLevel": "Automatic" }
Multiple actions request example: replace content, remove objects from group, and delete
"template": "135: Object Change Multi Device Request",
"subject": "several actions",
"devices": ["FW_101"],
"requestedActions": [
"action": "replaceContent",
"name": "object2",
"type": "network",
"isGroup": false,
"values": ["object2"]
"action": "removeObjectsFromGroup",
"name": "GP_Captical",
"type": "network",
"isGroup": true,
"values": ["Net_211.72.241.0", "Net_61.219.22.0"]
"action": "delete",
"name": "Net_203.69.50.0",
"type": "network",
"isGroup": false
"objectContainerLevel": "Automatic"
{ "status": "Success", "messages": [ { "code": "success", "message": "Success" }], "data": { "changeRequestId": 4341, "redirectUrl": "" } }
(object not found failure)
{ "status": "Failure", "messages": [{ "code": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", "message": "On action: addObjectsToGroup the object: GR_Network_Devices doesnt exist on devices: [FW_101] ([FW_102])." }, { "code": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", "message": "On action: removeObjectsFromGroup the object: GP_Captical doesnt exist on devices: [FW_101] ([FW_102])." }, { "code": "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND", "message": "On action: delete the object: Net_203.69.50.0 doesnt exist on devices: [FW_101] ([FW_102])." } ], "data": null } Response example
(create failure)
{ "status": "Failure", "messages": [ { "code": "CREATE_ZONE_BASED_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORT_GLOBAL_OBJECTS", "message": "Device 10_20_152_1 does not support global objects (requested action line 1)." }], "data": null }