System installation and setup

This section describes how to deploy the AlgoSec Security Management Suite (ASMS), upgrade to new versions, or reconfigure deployment options on existing environments.

ASMS products

ASMS installations can include the following products, depending on your license:

AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer (AFA) Analyze security devices across your network, including both on-premises and cloud devices.

Manage your network security life cycles on devices managed by AFA.


Manage application-centric security policy management tasks on devices managed by AFA. AppViz is powered by FireFlow.

An ASMS environment can use AFA alone, AFA with FireFlow, or AFA with both FireFlow and AppViz. Each product in use must be enabled on the ASMS license.

AlgoSec also provides the following additional software for use with ASMS:

AlgoSec AppViz AutoDiscovery
  • Installed on top of AlgoSec AppViz, AutoDiscovery enables you to import business services as AppViz applications.
  • For more details, see Deploy AutoDiscovery .
  • AlgoSec AlgoBot
  • Provides quick access to core ASMS functionality and data from the comfort of your existing chat platforms, including desktop, web, and mobile options.
  • For more details, see Welcome to AlgoBot.
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    Server installation options

    ASMS products can be deployed using the following server installation options:

    AlgoSec Hardware Appliances

    AlgoSec can provide you with hardware appliances that are pre-installed with AlgoSec software.

    No software installations are required for the initial setup, although you may need to perform upgrades for new versions.

    For details, see Deploy standalone appliances.

    Virtual Appliances

    AlgoSec can provide you with a pre-installed VM image for you to deploy on your own system.

    No software installations are required for the initial setup, although you may need to perform upgrades for new versions.

    For details, see Deploy standalone appliances.

    Cloud deployments

    Deploy ASMS on Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure to manage your devices from the cloud.

    For details, see Deploy ASMS on the cloud.

    Advanced options

    Advanced server configuration options include:

    • High Availability / Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) clusters

      Prevent data loss or downtime using cluster environments.

    • Distributed architectures

      AlgoSec supports the following distributed architecture options:

      Geographic distribution

      Manage devices across multiple geographic locations using Remote Agents that are managed by a Central Manager AlgoSec appliance.

      Geographic distributions enhance both performance and security because you only need one connection to manage firewalls in multiple locations.

      Load distribution

      Increase computing power with Load Unit machines that are managed by an ASMS Central Manager appliance.

      In this configuration, all Load Units must be in the same geographical location as the Central Manager.

    For more details, see Deploy clusters and distributed architectures.


    â See also: