Sync ACE Resources with ASMS
Enables alignment between onboarded resources (accounts) in ACE and ASMS. Currently available only for AWS accounts, this action allows you to manually trigger a synchronization. This is particularly useful if there is a discrepancy in account listings between ASMS and ACE.
This is an Early Availability feature in A33.00. To run this API, first:
Enable the early availability feature. See Onboard AWS accounts to both ACE and ASMS simultaneously.
Perform integration between ACE and ASMS. See ASMS integration to SaaS services.
When successful, a file is created on the ASMS machine listing all changes that were synched between ACE and ASMS, located in /home/afa/.fa/cloudflow-sync-status.json.
Resource Name:
Request Method: POST
Request cURL examples
curl -X 'POST' \
'https://localhost/afa/api/v1/cloudflow-accounts/sync' \
-H 'accept: */*' \
-d ''
Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not Found |
423 | Locked |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error |
503 | Service Unavailable |
Response example success 200:
When successful, a file is created on the ASMS machine listing all changes that were synched between ACE and ASMS, located in /home/afa/.fa/cloudflow-sync-status.json.
Response example failure 400 (similar for 403, 423, 429, 503):
"Bad Request"
Response example failure 401 (similar for 404, 500):
"error": "string", "description": "string", "fieldErrors": [ { "field": "string", "error": "string" } ] }