Sync AlgoSec Cloud Resources with ASMS

Enables alignment between onboarded resources (accounts) in AlgoSec Cloud and ASMS. Currently available only for AWS accounts, this action allows you to manually trigger a synchronization. This is particularly useful if there is a discrepancy in account listings between ASMS and AlgoSec Cloud.

This is an Early Availability feature in A33.00. To run this API, first:

  1. Enable the early availability feature. See Onboard AWS accounts to both AlgoSec Cloud and ASMS simultaneously.

  2. Perform integration between AlgoSec Cloud and ASMS. See ASMS integration to SaaS services.

When successful, a file is created on the ASMS machine listing all changes that were synched between AlgoSec Cloud and ASMS, located in /home/afa/.fa/cloudflow-sync-status.json.

Resource Name: /api/v1/cloudflow-accounts/sync

Request Method: POST

Request cURL examples

curl -X 'POST' \

'https://localhost/afa/api/v1/cloudflow-accounts/sync' \

-H 'accept: */*' \

-d ''


Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
423 Locked
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error
503 Service Unavailable

Response example success 200:


When successful, a file is created on the ASMS machine listing all changes that were synched between AlgoSec Cloud and ASMS, located in /home/afa/.fa/cloudflow-sync-status.json.

Response example failure 400 (similar for 403, 423, 429, 503):

"Bad Request"

Response example failure 401 (similar for 404, 500):


"error": "string", "description": "string", "fieldErrors": [ { "field": "string", "error": "string" } ] }